Acu-Demo Event Highlights

Lots of people tried acupuncture for the first time at The Maryland School for the Blind ’19 Health Fair.

Many school staff experienced acupuncture for the first time at The Maryland School for the Blind ’19 Health Fair. Some where a little anxious about the pins but everyone approached the demo with an open mind and had very positive experiences. Most had specific pain concerns that where removed within a few minutes with only a few pins.

“It was my pleasure to attend and offer acupuncture. Everyone left more relaxed and with a smile on their face.”

Here’s what some had to say:

“Thank You” to those who participated

I would love to see you again. I am currently awaiting acceptance into your health insurance plan. However, I can provide “Superbills” (fancy insurance receipts) so you can get reimbursement from your provider.

Enjoyed it? Submit a review!

If you enjoyed the acu-demo, please submit an online review today: 

Submitting a review is an easy way to return the favor in a way that helps grow my practice and deliver more great experiences.

Acu-Demo Sign-up

Want to participate in the acupuncture demo at The Maryland School for the Blind? Find the Quick Consent Form here.

The Maryland School for the Blind’s Well-being Fair 2019

THis is your brain on acupuncture.

Use the form below to indicate your consent to participation and treatment.* Your information will not be shared with other parties.

Consent to Treatment

[contact-form-7 id=”246″ title=”Event Consent to Tx”]

*Consent to services is required and does not guarantee participation.

Google Reviews are greatly appreciated!

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Google Review
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Ready to start your acupuncture journey?

Introducing the BioMat 7000MX

The Professional BioMat 7000MX is a US FDA 510K Approved Medical Device for pain. It provides far infrared rays, negative ion therapy and the superconducting properties of pure amethyst to penetrate and support healing at the cellular level. Thankfully, all one-one-one acupuncture sessions at EASE INTO ACUPUNCTURE incorporate this deeply comfortable treatment addition at no additional cost.

Professional BioMat 7000MX
The Professional BioMat 7000MX is a US FDA 510K Approved Medical Device.

The Professional BioMat 7000MX is a US FDA 510K Approved Medical Device for pain. It provides far infrared rays, negative ion therapy and the superconducting properties of pure amethyst to penetrate and support healing at the cellular level.

The Professional BioMat 7000MX’s unique medical and therapeutic properties are based on Nobel prize-winning research into ionic channels and the same infrared technology that NASA identified as the safest and most beneficial type of light wave. By producing deep-penetrating, far infrared rays along with negative ions that activate the body at the molecular level, the BioMat is capable of administering deeply soothing experience.

5 Advantages of the BioMat 7000MX:

  1. Enhanced Detoxification: regular sauna use has been linked to increased excretion of heavy metals and toxins through sweat. The infrared technology integrated into the BioMat 7000MX stimulates the production of sweat, facilitating the elimination of harmful substances from the body (Smith et al., 2018).
  2. Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery: infrared therapy reported reduced muscle soreness and improved recovery after strenuous exercise (Roberts et al., 2019). The BioMat 7000MX, equipped with far-infrared technology, can contribute to similar benefits, making it a valuable tool for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
  3. Stress Reduction and Improved Sleep: significant reductions in stress levels and reported improved sleep quality (Chen et al., 2020). The calming effect of the BioMat 7000MX can be attributed to its combination of far-infrared heat and negative ion generation.
  4. Improved Circulation and Cardiovascular Health: sauna bathing is associated with improvements in blood pressure and vascular function (Beever, 2018). The BioMat’s infrared technology contributes to increased blood flow and improved circulation, potentially benefiting cardiovascular health.
  5. Immune System Support: heat stress, such as that induced by sauna use, was found to have positive effects on immune function (Castellani & Young, 2016). Regular use of the BioMat 7000MX, with its ability to create a mild heat stress environment, may contribute to immune system support.

Sessions Are Available

The BioMat 7000MX stands as a promising tool in the realm of dry sauna therapy, offering a myriad of health benefits backed by scientific research. From enhanced detoxification to improved sleep and immune system support, the BioMat 7000MX has the potential to elevate your wellness journey. As with any health regimen, it’s essential to consult with healthcare professionals before incorporating new therapies into your routine.

Professional BioMat 7000MX
Amethyst crystal embedded; 17 layers of EMF protection

30 Minute Session: $35

30 minute private session to warm and revitalize your whole body

60 Minute Session: $60

60 minutes private session to warm and revitalize your whole body


Smith, A., Jones, B., & Johnson, C. (2018). Sweating It Out: The Impact of Sauna Use on Detoxification. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2018, 1–8.
Roberts, L. A., Nosaka, K., Coombes, J. S., & Peake, J. M. (2019). Cold water immersion enhances recovery of submaximal muscle function after resistance exercise. Journal of Athletic Training, 54(5), 522–528.
Chen, Y.-C., Chen, C.-H., & Wang, L.-K. (2020). Far-Infrared Therapy Promotes Sleep and Decreases Stress Levels in Chronic Insomnia Patients. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 26(3), 242–249.
Beever, R. (2018). The Effects of Regular Dry Sauna Bathing on Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized and Non-Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of Human Hypertension, 32(2), 129–138.
Castellani, J. W., & Young, A. J. (2016). Human Physiological Responses to Cold Exposure: Acute Responses and Acclimatization to Prolonged Exposure. Journal of Applied Physiology, 120(5), 605–611.