Acu-Demo Event Highlights

Lots of people tried acupuncture for the first time at The Maryland School for the Blind ’19 Health Fair.

Many school staff experienced acupuncture for the first time at The Maryland School for the Blind ’19 Health Fair. Some where a little anxious about the pins but everyone approached the demo with an open mind and had very positive experiences. Most had specific pain concerns that where removed within a few minutes with only a few pins.

“It was my pleasure to attend and offer acupuncture. Everyone left more relaxed and with a smile on their face.”

Here’s what some had to say:

“Thank You” to those who participated

I would love to see you again. I am currently awaiting acceptance into your health insurance plan. However, I can provide “Superbills” (fancy insurance receipts) so you can get reimbursement from your provider.

Enjoyed it? Submit a review!

If you enjoyed the acu-demo, please submit an online review today: 

Submitting a review is an easy way to return the favor in a way that helps grow my practice and deliver more great experiences.

Acu-Demo Sign-up

Want to participate in the acupuncture demo at The Maryland School for the Blind? Find the Quick Consent Form here.

The Maryland School for the Blind’s Well-being Fair 2019

THis is your brain on acupuncture.

Use the form below to indicate your consent to participation and treatment.* Your information will not be shared with other parties.

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[contact-form-7 id=”246″ title=”Event Consent to Tx”]

*Consent to services is required and does not guarantee participation.

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