What is pulse diagnosis?

When I place my fingers on your wrist, I am using my fingertips to “listen” for diagnostic information. It is one of many tools an acupuncturist uses to gather clinical details. The information is similar to usual clinical information like fever or thirst, but pulse diagnosis offers a perspective to the internal systems, both individually and as a whole.

Generally speaking, there are two important aspects of pulse diagnosis:

  1. listening to the pulse offers insight into the current state of each of the major organ systems.
  2. relays a qualitative and quantitative assessment of Qi and Blood, “substances” in the body that are intertwined and their movement represent many of the bodies natural functions and expressions.

Before treatment, the pulses may help shape the goal of the acupuncture treatment and can be actively monitored for changes. During and at closing, I use the pulses as a feedback mechanism to confirm the direction and impact of the acupuncture treatment.

Choosing an acupuncturist

Whether you are searching online or considering treatment through “word of mouth”, it is always a good idea to learn more about your acupuncturist.

Do a little research

Check out their bio page and overall professional presence. Evaluate their location for hygiene, handicap access and ease of parking.

Are they qualified to practice acupuncture?

An acupuncturist must be qualified by completing formal training from an accredited program and must have a current license to practice in your state. Verify a Maryland license now.

Read testimonials

Client testimonials are a great resource for insight into their overall approach and what outcomes you may expect from acupuncture treatment. You should feel at ease and somewhat excited to start. If something does’t seem right, trust your instincts and look elsewhere.

Understand the fees

Costs can vary based on location, experience, and insurance coverage. Some acupuncturists offer free consultations to answer questions and explore the fee structure. It is best to know what you are expected to pay and what results you can expect before booking your first appointment.

  • Request a free consultation and discuss your concerns with the acupuncturist;
  • Contact your insurance provider to see if your coverage includes acupuncture and for what conditions (Request a reference number from the agent for future reference.)